Sunday 23 April 2017

The latest in Climbesville

So people, it's been a few weeks, so here's the latest....

First of all, I did it! I am now the proud owner of the SPA (Single Pitch Award)! This means that I can now take a group of people out and supervise them whilst climbing. I had to have 2 days of training, then had 2 days of tests. Lots of practice meant that this went without a hitch so I can now hire myself out! This was at The Roaches at Leek, with multi pitch climbs.

OK so that's a picture of my backside, but you can see where I am using my skills!!!

Been out climbing in the Peak District quite a lot, including to places such as Stannage Edge and Froggat Edge, both popular climbing areas in Derbyshire. There are a variety of different climbs there; at Stannage there is a popular end for people of all sorts of different abilities. At the Plantation end there is a lot of bouldering for people who might enjoy or prefer this. At Froggat there are different climbs to attempt, some being higher than Stannage - I would say up to 30m there which is a bit higher than at Stannage.

So here are some pics of recent climbs...

I continue to go indoor climbing too - shout out to the team at Awesome Walls in Sheffield

as well as Climbing Works, also in Sheffield,

I'm getting better at reaching the very top here, even with the overhang, and have been practising speed climbing, which isn't as easy as it looks!

Finally (for now) I had a photo shoot! Big shout out to Pandora, of Pandora Images Photography, for organising
and to Chris Thornton of Chris Thornton Photography for taking the shot below that I will be using as my profile photo (well, I would, wouldn't I....and no, it's not been photoshopped, as a few have cheekily suggested!)

Happy climbing everyone! Stay safe!

Sunday 19 March 2017

Cocky Jordan......

So I had a taste of fame whilst in secondary school, and I was picked to go out climbing with none other than Griff Rhys Jones, actor, comedian (watch vintage Not the 9 O'clock News, Alas Smith and Jones, Three men and a boat), presenter and, it seemed, traveller and adventurer. And when I say picked....well to be honest, I talked the teachers into letting me be part of the team. I had heard about the adventure on the grapevine, as you do at school, and already having been bitten by the climbing bug, was not about to let this happen without me! (You can already start to see where the 'cocky' came in....) To be honest, none of the kids were quite sure who this guy off the tv was, just that it was someone "famous" and that we were going out into the Peak District with a film crew and would be on the telly! Very exciting for a bunch of suburban school kids! Mums and Dads soon excitedly explained who he was.
So here we are, posing angelically, I am on the bottom row, in the middle next to Griff...(on first name terms of course....)

  This, of course, was back in the day but obviously more than ten years later I still remember that day with glee. All my favourite things combined! Fame at last! And then came the DVD, and of course there we are...and then the book! What a thrill for a bunch of Sheffield kids! And in case it couldn't get any better, I got a mention in the book. Twice, in fact.

"Except for cocky Jordan, they were novices"
"Who says it was a competition? Jordan thought it was" (Rhys Jones, 2007, Essential Works/Butler and Tanner)
Here it is - my 15 minutes down in print for ever. 

Thanks Griff. It was a riot! And I'm still here climbing. Fancy a rematch?

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Climbing kit - part 1. First essential items.

So it can be a bit of an expensive business to get started, but the first and most important thing is safety. This always has to be your first concern. So don't ever think that you can just throw yourself up the nearest rock face on your own, with no training and no kit. You can do this if you want, of course, I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life. But I would REALLY advise against it!

You can go indoor climbing and hire basic gear, such as shoes, harness, chalk bag and rope if you are doing lead climbing.  More about some of these later, as the terms might not mean a lot to any newbies out there. And indoor climbing is a great place to start - more about that to follow.

So - some basics.
Shoes. You need proper footwear. Your trainers will not have proper grip and the rubber is not hard enough to make for safe climbing. So you need something like these.

Prices range from about £30 to about £200 but are essential for any climber.  You can buy these from places such as Go Outdoors 
try here - 

 And like I said, if you are climbing indoors, then hire a pair from the climbing unit. This will cost you from about £3 - £5 on average depending on where you are.

And whilst we are on the subject of what to wear, don't be a tool and turn up in your tightest jeans! Its not a fashion show up there - you need flexible clothes that you can move about in! Think about it! And don't forget, even if it looks like a nice day, it can get pretty cold half way up a rock face, so be sure to think about the weather; plan ahead. You will be focusing on staying alive when you are up there, it's no good worrying about your temperature when you are stuck to the side of a rock.

So we are not talking about the blackboard piece of chalk that they used to use in schools. This is chalk powder. This is essential to rub on your hands to keep them dry. You don't want damp sweaty palms when you are climbing. You will slip. You need to be able to have a firm grip in order to climb properly. You chalk will be in a chalk bag. 
take a look here to get the idea. But don't skip out on this. It's essential kit and remember you need to keep safe.

For outdoor climbing  a helmet is advised, although not mandatory, but obviously if you were to knock your head you would be less likely to suffer the associated pain and bruising if you DID wear a helmet. Not so necessary if you are just climbing a straight up rock face, but if there are parts of the rock face that are jutting out that you could, maybe, catch your head on...well you know it makes sense!!!!! Indoors helmets don't tend to be worn as there are not really many places that you can bang your head. They tend to be straight flat walls without bits sticking out for you to bang your head on. Just watch out for the abseiling climbers flying past you as you are on the ascent.....

So there are a few tips for what you will need in the first instance. Look out soon for further details of your climbing kit. 

Sunday 12 March 2017

This is me

So this is me. I had just climbed this particular rock at Froggat Edge in Derbyshire. I'm Jordan, and this blog is to share my climbing adventures and experiences. There's a plan - I'm hoping to be a stunt actor at some point, and this has meant that I get to experience lots of the action stuff that I love. Climbing is one of my biggest hobbies - I have climbed for years. So I will start at the beginning. But you have to wait. I will tell you about climbing in year 9 at school. Going on a field trip with Gryff Rhys jones (and ending up in his book. "Cocky Jordan" he called me - but its all good), climbing at local climbing centres, completing my SPA training and my soon to be fulfilled plans to complete my SPA Award. This means that I can be an instructor, taking people out climbing. Its all part of the bigger picture.

So if you are a climber, or interested in climbing, take a look. I will be in touch regularly. Look out for news and photos, tips about climbing, places to climb, gear, safety information and my own ventures into the world of climbing.

Let's do this!