Sunday 23 April 2017

The latest in Climbesville

So people, it's been a few weeks, so here's the latest....

First of all, I did it! I am now the proud owner of the SPA (Single Pitch Award)! This means that I can now take a group of people out and supervise them whilst climbing. I had to have 2 days of training, then had 2 days of tests. Lots of practice meant that this went without a hitch so I can now hire myself out! This was at The Roaches at Leek, with multi pitch climbs.

OK so that's a picture of my backside, but you can see where I am using my skills!!!

Been out climbing in the Peak District quite a lot, including to places such as Stannage Edge and Froggat Edge, both popular climbing areas in Derbyshire. There are a variety of different climbs there; at Stannage there is a popular end for people of all sorts of different abilities. At the Plantation end there is a lot of bouldering for people who might enjoy or prefer this. At Froggat there are different climbs to attempt, some being higher than Stannage - I would say up to 30m there which is a bit higher than at Stannage.

So here are some pics of recent climbs...

I continue to go indoor climbing too - shout out to the team at Awesome Walls in Sheffield

as well as Climbing Works, also in Sheffield,

I'm getting better at reaching the very top here, even with the overhang, and have been practising speed climbing, which isn't as easy as it looks!

Finally (for now) I had a photo shoot! Big shout out to Pandora, of Pandora Images Photography, for organising
and to Chris Thornton of Chris Thornton Photography for taking the shot below that I will be using as my profile photo (well, I would, wouldn't I....and no, it's not been photoshopped, as a few have cheekily suggested!)

Happy climbing everyone! Stay safe!